5 Tips to improve your Productivity in Word

5 Tips to Improve your Productivity in Word

As one of the most used programmes in the business world, Microsoft Word remains a popular resource for document creation of all types. Each day millions of Word documents are written and saved, and as such, when it comes to boosting office productivity, it certainly helps to have a couple of useful tips up your […]

The Pros and Cons of Syncing your Work and Home Computer

The Pros and Cons of Syncing your Work and Home Computer

The rise in popularity around working from home might have waned in some businesses, but there are still plenty of companies who have liked the practice so much that they have decided to adopt it as a part of their approach to business operations. Working from home has opened up a whole new world of […]

How to Preview any File in Windows

The Best Internet Browsers (Based on your work needs)

Since so much of the system is geared towards helping users to be as productive as possible, there are plenty of shortcut options that are designed to save you loads of time while helping you to get the information that you need.

How to Master OneNote

OneNote is basically the last digital note book that you will ever need to have. It is versatile, it comes with many options for customising and you can even use it to full effect if you are disconnected from the web. It also works on any kind of platform.

The Latest Windows 11 Developments

If you have not yet gone over to Windows 11, but you have been thinking about it, these are some of the latest features and interesting developments that you can expect to see if you update your operating system to the newest version of Windows.

Microsoft 365 Data Should be Backed-Up. This is why.

Microsoft 365 Data Should be Backed-Up. This is why.

The Cloud has changed much of how we do day to day business tasks. When once backing up information was something we did to a server or an external hard drive, these days the Cloud has become the main backup spot, for Office data and other information alike.

Why you should wait a while before updating to Windows 11

Why you should wait a while before updating to Windows 11

There is a lot of talk about the latest version of Microsoft Windows, and millions of PCs and laptops have been alerted to an available update to Windows 11. But like all technology, and as with all things in life, you probably don’t want to be among the first people to install the update, especially if the update is available for a work computer.

Increase Productivity using Microsoft 365 Power Automate

Increase Productivity using Microsoft 365 Power Automate

Increasing productivity in the workplace is made a whole lot easier when using Microsoft 365 Power Automate. With the opportunity to automate various tasks, staff can turn their attention to more important aspects of the business, and this increase in productivity means your business can continue to grow at a steady pace.

Microsoft Price Increases are Coming

Microsoft Price Increases are Coming

Microsoft has announced that its Office 365 products and its Microsoft 365 Services are set for a price increase in early 2022. This price increase will affect both commercial and business users of the software, while no pricing changes are expected for its education or consumer packages.

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